Google Adsense is without a doubt, world’s largest Ad Network and probably the better and easy way for Bloggers to monetize their work. However, there are several ways to Make Money Online by Blogging Without Google Adsense. It should be considered but taking Adsense as the only way is not fair. If you are smart enough, you will not end up as a guy who could not earn online because There goes a list of options and you are never trapped to one thing. So allow me to show you How to Make Money Blogging Without Google Adsense.

1. Direct Ad sales
Selling your Ad Space is the easiest way to earn with your blog if you can find nice Advertiser who can pay better than others. All you have to do is to put an Advertise Here page at Home Page of your Blog and then just wait. This method would work if you are getting tons of traffic but when you are not on that high level, there are other ways. You can join forums, Chat rooms and Facebook groups to find and convince people to Advertise on your blog. It would bring wonderful results If you could explain why they should spend money for Advertising on your site.
2. Allow People to Get Reviewed
There are several sites out there looking for people with established Blogs to review their sites or Products. This is because they are new and trying to get popularity or their name is spoiled as Scam Network. So you can step out to help them and in return, they will pay you as much as you want. Just like direct sales, all you have to do here is to put a Page “Get Reviewed ” on your site’s Home Page, bring the traffic and try to find out people who are actually finding guys like you.
3. Paid Posts
Sometimes, people don’t want to write their Guest Posts themselves either they feel it boring or have no time but they do have money. That’s where you can help them get a consistent flow of Backlinks to their desired sites and get paid in return. The best part of it is, you are actually writing that post for your own site so it gives you double benefits. You get the Money, you get the content and you get the traffic just to give one or two backlinks to your client.
4. Write Ebooks
If you have experience in something, or you already have a blog where you share your Ideas, writing an Ebook can be an easy and effective way to get a lot of money. The only problem with this thing is the chance of being distracted from the topic or leaving it abandoned because you started to feel Boredom. However, if you can get over these things, Ebook selling is a profitable business for you.
5. Become an Affiliate
Though Affiliate Marketing has lost it’s charm these days but it used to be popular and big like Google Adsense if we go a few years back. It still works. The hard part of Affiliate Marketing is that you don’t need a click but you need a Purchase. No matter how many Clicks you got, the only Money you are going to get is when someone buys a product through your link.
6. Adsense Alternatives
If you just in Google and write the word “Adsense Alternatives” you will see a bunch of lists filled with many Ad networks to chose from. I would recommend you trying Infolinks, Advrite, Chitika or Bidvertiser.
7. Sell Text Links
While doing that, I want you to remind one thing. If Google caught you doing this, you are in hot water. Google changes it’s Policies and Algorithm almost any time they want. That’s why they have now started to frown Link sales and this business is crashed down. However, if you still want to do, do it at your own risk.
8. Sell Your Blog
If your Blog is getting Good traffic, has the reasonable amount of content and most importantly it’s entertaining and original and you can not use any of options mentioned above, you may consider selling your Blog. But where? That’s a good question. is the best place in my opinion to sell any kind of sites and Blog. There are many people who complain that their sites were not sold via Flippa. Actually, these are people who have sites with low traffic, poor quality content and no Earnings at all.
I hope it is going to work for you but in case it doesn’t you should give up anyway. There are thousands of other opportunities and ways to make money online without Google Adsense. So you just need to find the right direction, after you do so, stick to your work and never look back. No one can stop you from being successful but yourself.