Google Page Rank 10 Websites List :
Update Google Page Rank 10 Websites List without any prior notice Google updates their Toolbar Page Rank on 6 December 2013. Earlier they noticed that there will be no toolbar PageRank update before 2014.
There are few websites as of now that are carrying a really Google Page Rank 10. Here is the list of those websites that having Google Page Rank 10 in this last update December 6, 2013 from Google with their respective Alexa Rankings.
List of Google Page Rank 10 Websites :
1. Page Rank 10
2. Adobe Reader Page Rank 10
3. Page Rank 10
4. AddThis Page Rank 10
5. Page Rank 10
6. Universitas 21 Page Rank 10
7. Twitter Page Rank 10
8. Page Rank 10
9. Coimbra Group Page Rank 10
10. Page Rank 10
If you found any other website or blog having perfect Google Page Rank 10, but not in our list, please share in the comments section, I will append that to this list here.
If we believe the Alexa Rankings numbers for above mentioned websites, there will be huge traffic and popularity gab between these websites. No doubt, Google Page Rank 10 is one of rankings factor on Google, but it’s the only one. If that was the case, websites having perfect Google Page Rank 10 cannot have Alexa Rankings in 7 digits or even six digits. Above Update Google Page Rank 10 Websites List is very valuable to Google.