The giant Google Drive site includes an activity stream to support you monitoring changes to different files an folders containing in your Drive. When you upload file then move a file from one folder to another folder or change the sharing permission then your actions will get logged. Who are the continue users for their beneficial it and who have shared files in their Drive that can be edited by external users.
The activity Stream is not available inside the mobile apps you must have to log into the Google Drive website which daily to see what’s files and folders have changed recently.

What’s Changed in your Google Drive
It’s a simple workaround. Instead of checking or observing simply. You can configure a Google Sheet and you will send it a daily email report (screenshot) of all files in your Drive that have been modified in the last 24 hours. It takes only 30 seconds to setup the monitoring.
1. If you make a copy of the Drive monitor in your Google Drive Click here.
2. Now put your email address in the cell E1 where highlighted in yellow point.
3. When you chose your spreadsheet from the menu file then settings and choose your default Time zone. This Time zone will use when the will be modified.
4. Go to the Google Drive Report menu sheet and select the Authorize (see below the screenshot). For access allow the script to your Drive. It essential to do this to know what’s changed.
5. Now go to the report menu again and select schedule reports. You see the script is running background and it will send email you the Drive report every 24 hours. Now you will get the first report recently or immediately.Related: Create a Tree View for Google Drive for File Navigation Easily
After that choose the Google sheet for monitoring file changes in the background, running once every 24 hours. Whenever you would like to stop the daily notifications, mean time open the same sheet and select uninstall from the menu. Especially Google Script is doing all the magic!!