Barak Hossain Obama the 44th president of the United
States of America.
States of America.
Obama Already elected 2 steps in the American President.
We are known to all he is the charismatic leader in the United States of America. Kenya is the birth place of Barak Obama. Obama born in Kenya of a Muslims family.
![Barak Obama the 44 th President of United States Barak Obama](
Obamas father was a Kenyan Muslim and his mother was an American Christian. But when Obama was children his father has left the Obamas family.
Then Obamas mother married in other Americans. So then Obama was so little. He Cannot understand everything. Obamas Grand mother was a little service holder.
She was the only relative for Obama. Obamas Grand mother love him. But she was not rich women. That’s why she could not give everything proper to Obama.
When Obama is the College Student he introduced a black girl name her Michel. Who is the now wife president Obama.
Michel when introduced Obama than Obama was the poor man. But Michel was love Barak Obama. Michel Obama always helpful to Barak Obama.
Both was the black nation. From the childhood Obama has a great dream. The dream was honest and proper. Obama wants to help the others alwaysly.
But he has no proper money. On the other hand Obama was the clever and intelligent. He always trusts himself. He known to who he was. From then his dreams was he will the of America.
Already he achieved a lawyer’s degree. He is a famous lawyer of America. After some years he elected the senator of congress. He was the popular Senator not only Democratic party but also the Republican party.
Once Obama was trusted that he will fight against the Republican party. Then his popularity was the maximum. But Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary Clinton was the main competitor for Barak Obama.
Now and then Obama is the charismatic leader. So Hillary Clinton could not elect to the Democratic Party. Obama won that’s competition.
The American peoples then good known to Obama. They like Obama’s intelligent figures. After some days Obama elected the President of United States.
Called him he is the most popular President in American History. From then to now Obama is the greatest President in the world. Because each war place did not like Barak Obama.
He did not want to any War. He returned the American Soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. It is like the American peoples. That’s why Barak Obama is the popular President in America.
He tries to his commitment which give the US people. Besides hi is the only black President in America. That’s start the Martin Lutharking.
Many peoples have confused that Obama will could not elect in second steps. But Second steps Obama got the maximum vote in American peoples.
Everybody like President Obama because he is the educated, gentle and intelligent. Critically problems in Iran he faced in successfully.
But he did not want any war with Iran. Obama loves his two children and other children in America. So we trust that every peoples like Barak Obama.
Barak Obama wants to peaceful world for every man and woman. He is the President who friendly for all.
Lastly we told Barak Obama the great about America.