modern wonder of Dubai. Dubai is the modern city into the any famous city in the world. About everything has the city of Dubai. All Inclusive Vacations in Palm Island has every tourist who are visit sometimes in this place.
Palm Island is one of the most important sites which attract the any people who are sometimes visited this city. Really Palm Island is a mega wonder now this time.

Palm Island has two artificial Islands in Dubai. Two Dutch and Belgian marine contractors build the modern artificial sites of Dubai. The Jan de nul and Van Oord is the main contractors who’s are built the wonderful Palm Islands in United Arab emirates. There are All inclusive vacations place than others place.
The wonderful place’s shape just a palm shape. The Palm Island has many things like the residential place, leisure place and so suitable place of entertainment. It has 520 kilometers long beach for non public.
On the two Islands there will be over 100 plus luxury hotels, residential villas, many apartments, marinas, water theme parks, restaurants, shopping malls, sports facilities and health spas for different people who lives there. There are All Inclusive Vacations in the whole time.
The palm jumeira was started June at 2001. Shortly after announcing it will be finish into the year of 2006. It was the challenge of engineers in this project. After the third Island was started but this project was later remodeled and renamed to Deira Island.
Actually The Island was built sand dredged and so much rock. About seven million ton rock has the Palm jumeira breakwater. The Palm Jumeira’s working time was 2006 and the contractors of Dutch and Belgians they were successfully finished with this Islands project.
For protecting the Palm Island there are 210,000,000 cubic meter rock, sand and limestone that was reclaimed.
- Palm Jumeirah–The Palm Jumeirah was consists of a tree trunk, a crown with 16 fronds and the Island that forms of about 11 kilometers long breakwater. The Island itself is 5 kilometers by 5 kilometers and it adds 78 kilometers coastline of Dubai. Residents of this Island moving at the end of 2006. A monorail opened in this land in 2009. But it is not connected to other public transport. It’s called All Inclusive Vacations tour.
- Palm Jebel Ali–Palm Jebel Ali started in 2002 and it and was expected will be finished in middle 2008. The Palm Jebel Ali is 50% larger than Palm Jumeirah. It’s included six marinas, a water theme park, a sea village, homes built on steels. So Palm Jebel Ali is the same categories of Palm Jumeirah.
- Who are the involved in Palm Jumeirah and Palm Jebel Ali—Robert Berger 2000-2004.
- Mounir Haider—-Chief of planning.
- Scott Hutchinson—-Apartment construction engineer e.
- Beauty of Palm Island of Dubai—–The beautiful Palm Island in Dubai is the charming place in the world. It has no competitor in the world. Because the crown of Dubai wanted to build the project in a unique place. The place which situated in the in the sea. It was the difficult project for its engineers and contractors. Never they think that will be can successful project. Because it was so large project which never built any in the world. Besides it was the time of only five years. It was the main thought of this project. Nowadays who are like tour in many beautiful places in the world they firstly choose this entertainment place. Whose wants to see the reality of this place must they will go this charming place. Totally It’s called All Inclusive Vacations place.
- So nice residence place—There are so nice residence house which wonder and comfortable. Each residence house is different. Many celebrities in the world have already had an owner or partner minimum one apartment. Because they like in this place. Called the Island is paradise.
- Luxurious Hotels— There are many luxurious hotels in Pam Jumeirah in Dubai. This place has many five star even has many seven star hotels. It is the modern and fulfill of beautiness. It’s called the All Inclusive Vacations hotel in Palm Island.
- Entertainment—- If we asked anyone what is entertainment? We told to go to the Palm Jumeirah and feeling what is entertainment. Because when the place was built for entertainment place was the main planning. It is the great side of Palm Jumeirah. Football celebrity Devid Beckham already has owner a nice apartment. Even many European celebrities have owner different apartments. Its real reason is so entertainment place.