We are all always using different software in computer for
computer working. Now here discussed someone soft which is important for all. If it has no bigger megabit but it is essential. Let’s go see this software and know how much essential it for us.
computer working. Now here discussed someone soft which is important for all. If it has no bigger megabit but it is essential. Let’s go see this software and know how much essential it for us.
1. Fundamental of PC: It has basic things of computer knowledge which if Flash file. From this Flash file we will know the important basic item of computer.

2. Color Code: From this option you can know the color code of an image or any designs. You can know this option from the mouse drag.

3. Provat Bangla: This soft can you help how you can transfer English to Bangla or other language.

4. GIF Viewer: Who are the users of windows 7 their for GIF Viewer file. It is better than the Windows internet Explorer 8. So we know details about it.

5. Eject and Close: How to open the side room you can know from this Eject and Close.

6. TALKIT: It is the important for writing violation which means different violet of writings.

7. Age Calculator: For calculation of our age we can easily use this software. So it is the most important software who is known the basic computer knowledge. Besides it is the important for all computer users.