What is Alexa Rank?
Alexa is one of the most popular tool used to determine the Rank of the website/blog. Need to know how to improve alexa rank fast always for any sites. It measures the global rank of the website and also shows regional rank in several countries.
Always we think How to Improve Alexa Rank fast. Although Alexa Rank is not considered as the correct rank stats as it only counts the visitors having Alexa toolbar installed on their system. But still it is considered to be significant as low Alexa Rank can attract the sponsors and advertisers to a blog.

What’s Alexa Rank is Measured?
But most of bloggers these days focuses on Alexa Rank as they continuously monitor their current rank. So, I will be suggesting some of the ways which can definitely improve your Alexa rank. Improve Alexa Rank is directly proportional to the blog traffic. So you must always focus on increasing the blog traffic rather than improving the Alexa rank. From the different ways we can know how to improve alexa rank fast that described below.
By Harsh Agrawal
The techniques which can help you in gaining traffic to your blog and thus increase the Alexa rank are as follows: Mostly important web traffic for increasing alexa rank, but others something can rapidly increase your blog’s alexa rank which I want to share below by five points. So, let’s we see which points are very trustworthy for increasing alexa rank quickly.
How to Improve Alexa Rank Fast
1. Increasing Blog Traffic
As I have already mentioned above by improving blog traffic you can gain here that how to improve alexa rank fast. Create quality contents and promote it through various social networks. Optimize your blog post to bring traffic from search engines. In this way you can draw traffic to your blog and hence enhance Improve Alexa Rank.
You may contradict my statement by arguing that there are many sites having good traffic but there Alexa rank is not satisfactory. I would not deny this fact, as I have also encountered such sorts of blogs many times.
2. Comments, Comments and Comments

Always select a blog which is related to your niche. Choosing the correct blog to comment on is the basic step of effective blog commenting. Always select blogs with High PR, CommentLuv Enabled blogs to build strong back links and hence Improve Alexa Rank.
3. Submission to Blogging Community Sites

Another useful way to Improve Alexa Rank is by submitting blog posts to high PR Blogging Community Sites such as Blog Engage, Bloggers, Blokube, etc.
Submitting posts to these sites will help you in gaining high quality traffic and hence increase Alexa rank quickly. It will usually take 10-15 minutes to submit content to these sites but it is worth to do. You will see a drastic improvement in your blog traffic.
4. Social Networks Activity

You can’t deny the fact that Social Media plays an important role in driving traffic to a blog. So it necessary to update blog posts on Social Networks regularly. The most common social network these days is Facebook having more than 500 million monthly active users. On the other hand, it is the another common role that most of bloggers using most important social media for increasing traffic. If anyone want to get more traffic for improving alexa rank, they should some blog post sharing in different social media such as Facebook and Twitter. We can get instantly much traffic to our sites that can help rapid increase our site’s alexa rank.
You can build strong relations with fellow bloggers and promote your blog through these networks. The other popular social networking sites which draw considerably huge traffic to site are Twitter, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Digg, etc. It is easy way to Improve Alexa Rank. If you can engage regular basis in Google+ and Twitter then you can introduce with many bloggers who will be your regular visitor and that can be improve your alexa rank quickly. For more engage to social media and more get traffic and more improve alexa rank.
5. Install Alexa Toolbar

Now the foremost thing is install Alexa toolbar in your system to Improve Alexa Rank. Install Alexa toolbar to all those systems which you have access to. Alexa usually counts those visitors who have visited your blog with the installed widget. So, never forget to install the Alexa toolbar in your browser. Alexa toolbar is one of the major factor for getting better ranking alexa rank. We know every webmaster use this toolbar for increase alexa rank. While much traffic entered in your site then it will count by alexa toolbar and update it’s ranking. Each day count your blog traffic by this alexa toolbar and when reach huge traffic in your site then must you will get better ranking. So should use this toolbar everyone who want to get best alexa rank quickly.
6. Regular Post
Always keep your blog updated with regular basis, must it will help you to engage more people to your blog. Alexa basically rank according to traffic stats of your blog site. While More traffic you get, better rank you hold in Global ranking. When a blog be updated regular then we can guess that how to improve alexa rank fast.
Keep mind new updates each day for your readers to read your blog post. You will find out that your traffic is increasing day by day when you update the new post. Your readers will love to read the new blog post, but if you do not have anything new to your readers” then must you are loose traffic“. Search engines always love those sites, which updated regularly. Others important thing is frequency if you are making any blog post 6 this week, next week 15 and next time 5 post. I must say here “it’s not right, it is better to keep on writing 5 posts per week and after then will get more benefit for posting with your daily routine.
Final Measured About Alexa Rank :
So, I hope these techniques can help you in gaining Alexa Rank. Still after following the above mentioned tips you are unable to increase Alexa rank, feel free to contact. Finally we known to all How to Improve Alexa Rank Quickly.