A Forum posting Site is a website that permits you to communicate with other people by posting messages. Most forums allow all visitors to view forum postings. If you want to post messages in the forum posting you need to create an account. The Web forums are also known as internet forums, discussion boards, and bulletin boards. Forum posting site is one of the important ways to get high-quality backlinks. It is very important part of off page SEO. Forum posting helps you to get rank in search engine Google. There are a lot of free dofollow forum posting sites. If you can create backlinks in this sites you must get a good result for your site.
Forum posting site is one of the great places where gather much high-quality bloggerโs for discussion about many matters. So you can use it for discussion about blogging and many matters. Letโs see below best 50+ high pr dofollow forum posting sites.

High PR Forum Posting Sites
Dofollow Forum Posting Sites PR-9
02. http://www.addthis.com/forum
04. http://www.forums.mysql.com
Dofollow Forum Posting Sites PR-8
04. http://www.careerbuilder.com
05. http://www.chronicle.com
11. http://www.forums.cpanel.net
12. http://www.claronile.net/forum
14. http://www.careerbuilder.com
15. http://www.forum.joomla.com
16. http://www.flagcounter.boardhost.com/
Dofollow Forum Posting Sites PR-7
01. http://forum.videolan.org
08. http://www.accessifyforum.com
09. http://www.000webhost.com
11. http://forums.siteground.com
12. https://forums.digitalpoint.com
13. http://www.ewebdiscussion.com
15. http://forums.searchenginewatch.com
18. http://forum.parallels.com/forum.php
23. http://arch.designcommunity.com/
30. http://www.businessweek.com/business-schools
Dofollow Forum Sites PR-6
01. http://forum.metacafe.com/
02. http://forum.lablit.com
04. http://forums.allaboutjazz.com
06. http://www.forum.wordreference.com
07. http://forum.wpde.org
14. http://forums.businessweek.com
Above some list of forum posting sites which if you can use properly for getting high quality backlink then it will help your post increasing Google ranking fast. Forum posting is the major criteria where attend many famous blogger for solving many matters. So, everybody should attend to forum posting sites for get quality backlink and discussion. Hope it will be helpful for you.