If you want use Google Drive folders to collaborate as sometimes as we do around here, you probably do not have time to go back and clean up permissions or old files and folders while you are through with them. Who has Access is a web app that shows you all of the people and permissions you have granted so you can tighten up your security.

Who has Access is a side project of the folks behind the previously mentioned Hojoki, and is a pretty simple tool. Just click the big “Scan my Google Drive now” button, grant the web app permissions to your Google Drive folders and files and. Don’t worry as soon as the scan is completed they delete the data they collect and remove their access permissions you can do the same on your account permissions page, and sit back when the tool does its work. The scan may take a while depend on how much you have stored but they will email you when the results are ready.
While the scan is completed, you will see an image much like the one above, where you can look and see who has permissions to your Google drive folders and files and the addresses you have granted access to. Click on any personal to see a specific list of files they have rights to on the right side of the page. Now you can even revoke all of their access rights with a single click right there.
Who Has Access is a simple tool, but it is fast and effective matter and if you don not essential like the idea of old coworkers or bad bosses with lingering permissions to your work, or just like the idea of tidying up your security once in a while, it is a huge help just means.